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Are You ...

a practitioner looking to introduce more creativity in your practice but unsure where to start?

Do You ...
Or ...

maybe you’re feeling stuck in a routine, using the same techniques repeatedly, and yearning for a fresh approach.

wish you could offer more to your clients but feel limited by your current skills and knowledge?

Learn how to use Creativity to complement your current practice

Do I have to be artistic?

buttons, sketch black and white

"When you work creatively with people, movement takes place"

No, no artistic ability is required by you or your client.

It's not about creating a pretty picture. It's about representing something that is going on inside.

Working creatively can mean anything - pens or pencils, flip charts or twigs. Cards or buttons, stones or nesting dolls. There really is no limit to what can be used.

Or where you work. 

Zoom or face to face. Office or a walk in the woods. 

How do I find out more?

What is The ChrisLin Method 

Chapter 6 Scissors Collage.png

The ChrisLin Method is a simple and profoundly effective approach that enables practitioners from all disciplines to use creativity in their practice. 


It comprises 5 Steps and 9 Core Questions plus a variety of Frameworks for working creatively with certain emotions and behaviours. 

Using this approach provides a safe pathway to the unconscious mind enabling feelings, thoughts, beliefs and values to come to the surface that would otherwise be hidden. It's at this deeper level that the more profound and lasting work can be done.

We have trained over 4000 people in the ChrisLin Method and provide Introductory and Practitioner level courses. Working with the ChrisLin Method and the Frameworks we share enables you and your client to safely explore the hidden underlying patterns that are holding them back. 


There is always a realisation or discovery that helps the client on their journey and allows them to make new choices about how they show up in the world. 

"This way of working is truly transformational"

Counsellor M, Dorset

To find out more click here ​​

Prefer to read the book?

Buy from Amazon

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"The image, metaphor or symbol becomes the area where the change occurs"

nature pine cones, black and white

What others say 

"I have used your ways of working online and face to face. The Anger shapes, Boundaries and the Shame pebbles particularly. Amazing when a few weeks later a client picked up the same decorated pebble and was surprised not to feel the same depth of shame and said he would now choose a lighter pebble."

"A client couldn’t understand why I mentioned her parents divorce that we had used your Anger shapes with, as she felt it wasn’t an issue... it had been a main issue causing such depression but it was no longer there ! It’s almost magical what I have seen using your techniques. I love them."

“What makes squiggles on a sheet of paper not just colour, shapes, curves, lines, dots and dashes? When you can translate them into a language that enables you and others to understand your state, your emotions, your thoughts, relationship with yourself and the world outside of you.” 

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